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2024 Beneficiaries

“let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3:18

Every year since 2008 we have sought to help individuals and families that are experiencing financial hardship due to circumstances outside their control. The example our Lord Jesus set was to love not just in word but also in deed and truth. There are many in our communities who are in need of financial assistance. This year, four families/individuals have come to our attention and we are requesting support for. Above all, prayers are entreated for each of the families and individuals involved. Additionally, if you are able to contribute financially, we can come together as a community to alleviate suffering. 

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Mark Drake & Family

Brother Mark Drake, a member of the Westerly Rhode Island ecclesia, is sadly now a single parent of six children ages 7 to 16: Isaiah, Levi, Naomi, Priscilla, Gideon, and Josiah. Their mother, Michelle, bravely battled cancer for over two years before she recently passed away which came as a shock despite her long illness. Now, Mark faces the daunting task of raising his six children without the help from their mother. Mark works from home along with multiple jobs to care for his family and maintain their old house and large vehicle. However, due to the circumstances, there isn’t enough money to cover all the costs in most months. The Drake family has a long and challenging road ahead of them and we are called to go above and beyond what we think we can do, in allowing God to work through us.


Eninga and his children

Eninga recently moved here with his family (wife and at least 7 children), exactly a year ago after living in a refugee camp in Tanzania. He was fleeing from the war and troubles in his native country of the DRC (Congo). Having learned the Truth through the Christadelphian ecclesia within the Tanzanian refugee camp, he was baptised just before moving with his family to the United States. He still maintains contact with his former ecclesia, and receives updates on other families that have also found refugee here in the U.S. The Refugee Travel Assistance Program LLC provides funds as part of a resettlement program bringing families into the states by giving them a Travel Loan (air fare, hotels, etc.). Eninga’s loan for his entire family to resettle in Syracuse, NY totals $10,708.00.

Currently Eninga works as a dishwasher at a restaurant in Syracuse, getting paid a minimum wage, and working part time. This overwhelming amount of debt to resettle in NY is obviously way beyond what he is capable of paying off on his own in any rea- sonable amount of time. He does have the ability to work with the Travel Assistance Program to reduce the amount owed, and to spread it out over a longer period of time. He was aware of this need to pay off the amount prior to moving here; however Brother Eninga’s situation is in some ways different from other Christadelphian Congolese families. His wife has since left him, and he is living currently with an older son and 6 other children. This leaves Eninga to shoulder the debt of his entire family, without the assistance of his wife.
Eninga is a good natured, loving brother struggling to make ends meet, and placed in an environment way more difficult than most of us will ever face. Obviously a language barrier is the biggest hurdle in completely understanding his situation, his problems, and his background. The members of the Finger Lakes Ecclesia are trying their best to help in any way they can, and will continue to work with him as he grows spiritually in his new home.

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Baby Mac West

One-year-old Mac West was unfortunately diagnosed with AML (acute myeloid leukemia) after a scan revealed he had lesions in his spine, hip and leg. Due to the aggressive nature of this disease and Mac’s young age, treatment is long and requires both par- ents, Dane & Nadya, to miss a lot of work. After his chemo treatments, Mac’s numbers usually crash forcing him to face brutal days filled with transfusions, antibiotics, morphine, IV fluids, etc. The West family lives in Chester, NJ.


Gianna Van Beekum

Gianna is a bright, intelligent fifteen year old who has a passion for being outdoors and spending time with family and friends. She is Dave and Connie Donatuccio’s niece who currently resides in Florida with her family. She has had a strong love for soccer since she was young, and is one of the most kind hearted people you will ever meet. She has always been active and energetic; never failing to make people laugh, and she is very involved in her community and church. This past March, Gianna was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which has significantly affected her everyday life. Her diagnosis has hindered her ability to do the things she loves the most, and her chemotherapy treatments have kept her away from her normal life activities, such as her youth group at church, which is one of her favorite hobbies to attend. Gianna’s goal is to beat her cancer, and go back to being able to do the same things as all other fifteen year olds. She wants to finish her treatments and return to her team sports this coming December.


As stated above, all of these individuals/families are experiencing financial hardships due to their circumstances and can use our support financially. However, more importantly, they need our collective prayers on their behalf - for healing, comfort, strength and faith to battle the challenges they face each day. Please keep them both in your prayers and may God comfort and bless these families in their time of need.

Our goal is to raise as much money as we can for these families in need. Thanks to everyone for their generous support both spiritually and financially. May we continue to spread the love of Jesus until His return. 

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